Finalyze takes a three prong approach to risk management - diversification, preventative risk management, and reactive risk management. In terms of diversification, we want to trade as many uncorrelated trading strategies as possible across as many futures markets as possible. This protects us from black swam events affecting a given market or a given strategy.
Preventative risk management involves reducing the size of new trades when our risk is high. We accomplish this by running linear regressions at both the market and portfolio level to predict the portfolio's daily return magnitude using a variety of factors, including our exposure, market correlations, and implied volatility. Additionally, we cut our trade sizes in half when we're in a "systemic risk" market environment, measured by a VIX spike. Our final layer of defense is reactive risk management, where we stop placing new trades and reduce the size of our current positions upon a breach of our risk limits, which are calculated using a custom VAR (Value at Risk) model utilizing Monte Carlo simulations.